Clan is a term used by vampires to describe the major groups of Cainites (vampires) who share common characteristics passed on by the blood. There are 13 known clans, and each of them claim to be founded by an ancient "Antediluvian" vampire who existed before the great flood of the Biblical deluge. It is these founders which supposedly give the clans their distinguishing powers. The clan is your blood lineage, the vampiric "family" into which you are Embraced.

This page acts as a summary of information for each clan.

For information specific to the clan in the Renaissance period click on the button for any clan, which will take you to their clan page.



Clan Nicknames: Rabble, Zealots, Warrior-Scholars, Agitators, The Learned Clan

Character Inspiration/Archetype: The Lost Boys, Warrior Poet Trope

Territories: The Balkans (what will become Greece), Iberia, Eastern Europe, England and Western Europe

Weakness: Brujah are highly emotional, and have great trouble controlling the wrath of their Beasts. Their difficulty to resist frenzy is increased.


The Brujah are regarded as revolutionary, intellectual and unpredictably violent, taking a fierce, activist stance in mortal politics - often to support the downtrodden and unseen (though always to their benefit) - or they take to cloistered libraries and disdain the other, younger Brujah who do this very thing. The Brujah as a whole claim to be Philosopher-Kings, yet their passions dictate their actions, and for the youngest among them this leaves little room for actual philosophy. There is a growing split forming in the clan between their young vampires and their old.

As creatures that once held great wisdom and nobility in the eyes of the other clans, many of the younger Brujah have tarnished this reputation with explosive revolutionary leanings and a penchant for anarchy. Many elder Brujah still adhere to their roots of intellectualism and forethought (often known as iconoclasts), and disdain the chaotic acts of their lessers (referred to as idealists). They are still regarded as one of the High Clans - noted for their prowess both as warriors and scholars. Increasingly, the divide between the young and old grows.

The fall of Carthage marked a mortal blow for the clan, and cemented a mistrust and occasionally a hatred of Roman Cainites - especially Clan Ventue - who were arguably responsible for the tragedy and loss of their great city. Now, during the Renaissance, the clan finds itself at another turning point. Peasant revolts are sparking conflict and ideological upheavals all over Europe, and the traditional class structure has been broken down and transformed. Many Brujah are all too willing to adapt and embrace this change - championing the small-folk in ways many other clans will not. 

It is also a great time for the arts and sciences, areas that many elder Brujah enjoy a healthy influence within. Whilst not quite so entangled with the church as clans such as Lasombra, it is entirely not unheard of for Brujah to invest heavily into their spiritual development also. Whatever Brujah do, they do so with passion - a quality perfectly reflected in the Renaissance period.

Many members of clan Brujah are far more in tune with the struggles against tyrannical elder vampires than most. Claudius Giovanni is an elder now and the charismatic public face of his threatening new vampire family - any invitation from him to this auction would be eyed with suspicion by this clan of rebels. The most learned among the Brujah may puzzle over the origin of The Black Dawn eclipse and be tempted to attend out of curiosity, but all Brujah who yearn for independence from their Elders would seethe at the thought powerful Elders claiming another generation of promising blood for their schemes.

Unconventional vampires value them instead for their intellectual idealism, even if it does often extol the virtues of the lowest strata of society. The lot of Clan Brujah is as tumultuous in the Renaissance era as it has been historically, as the clan seems forever embroiled in some schismatic issue or another. As is typical, then, much of the clan ignores that any issue is an issue, while other members hotly contest the minutiae of the matter at hand. While such behaviour may seem a comedy of errors to outside observers, savvy Cainites know that it is not. Indeed, making light of the issue is a way to earn any Brujah's enmity, for who are others to second-guess the grave matters of the most passionate of the Damned? And few make for a more tenacious and deadly adversary than a Brujah who feels slighted.

The Auction

The oldest amongst this divided clan will no doubt have researched the Black Sun with the same ravenous zeal usually expected of clans such as the Cappadocians, so will be approaching the auction with inquisitive minds. What could these affected humans mean for the future of Cainites - and indeed all of Europe? Are they merely the first of many powerful humans? This could even be a product of God striving to restore balance and give his children weapons against the damned? Or perhaps it is something darker still gifting them to the damned…? Given so many of the Black Sun children have already been killed, such a thing has already been wasted by other more scared mortals.

Brujah of the scholarly persuasion will certainly look to mortal known as the Apprentice as a promising Embrace prospect. The younger or more fractious members of the clan might be drawn to the Fury - truly an effective tool to shatter the façade of dignified order within the Elders. In secret, the most revolutionary souls might look to steal the Bond-Breaker from those who might fear it's potential, though such an Embrace might have to be followed with extreme caution.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: Necromancers, Graverobbers, Clan of Death, Corpses

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Cappadocian - Scholarly and Spiritual; Giovanni - Medici but Give Them Necromancy

Territories: Anatolia (modern Turkey) especially Cappadocia, Venice, British Isles, Coptic Monasteries, Really They’ve Spread All Over Europe

Weakness: The Cappadocians bear the visage of death, which makes their skin appear cold and corpselike. No matter how much vitae a Cappadocian imbibes, she never shows the "flush of life" that other Cainites may choose to display. This grim condition also exacerbates with age, and some of the most venerable Cappadocians literally resemble nothing so much as shrunken cadavers.


Detached scholars obsessed with the mysteries of death and the soul, there are no vampires more dedicated to the systematic exploration of the Shadowlands - the queer, miserly limbo that clings like a skin to our bright, fleshy world.

One of the more spiritual groups amongst Cainites, the Cappadocians find themselves amidst an era of enlightenment - a time when the arts, sciences and philosophy present countless opportunities. The ‘Graverobbers’ - as some clans refer to them - follow the original path of their progenitor Cappadocius on a journey to unravel the truths behind God and death. In fact, many Cappadocians see the embrace and existence of a Caintie as a unique opportunity to explore the conditions of life and death - caught in the limbo state of undeath as they are. Older members of this clan are deeply faithful to Christianity - as their antediluvian leader is too. Cappadocius was devoted to the all-consuming goal of meeting and then diablerising God itself.

A mass culling took place in this clan’s history, with all those vampires deemed unworthy by their founder sealed inside a huge system of tunnels beneath the city of Kaymalki. Cappadocius was not a warrior, a manipulator or one for petty Cainite politics; he was a priest, allegedly. His devotion to the mastery of death is reflected in the worthy childer that survived to spread throughout Europe - most of whom mirror his scholarly and dissociative nature.

The Auction

As spiritual scholars and priests of the highest order, the Cappadocians looked to the Black Dawn as a sign of great importance. Those truly devoted to God may believe it to be a damning omen of judgement to come - perhaps embracing the Giovanni was a great mistake that has displeased the Lord? Others might see it as confirmation of their faith or a blessing of the new era. Scholars would have been sent into a frenzy of research by this enigmatic phenomenon - but it was the Giovanni themselves who first discovered the mortals blessed by such an auspicious event. 

It goes without saying that many members of the Giovanni family are intimately connected to the auction given one of their own members - Claudius - is hosting. Most of the Cappadocians from outside this insular family would not have been told anything about the event until they received their own invitations, so it is likely that plenty older Cappadocians will be suspicious and even reproachful over the Giovanni withholding information. Many of these mortals might after all hide the keys to the mystery of mortality itself and the nature of death. Thus far the Giovanni have played innocent (and indeed even some of the Giovanni were left in the dark as to Claudius’ scheme); they are all too able to claim that the parent clan have had a rather hands-off approach to their affairs, and they didn’t realise they needed to alert them all. It is within Cappadocian interests to gain favour within vampiric society, no? We have all been so terribly distant from the world, after all.

Even amongst the Giovanni there might be animosity - it has certainly not been indicated that Claudius is giving any sort of special consideration or discount to his own family. Despite this, it cannot be denied that these mortals will bestow a great boon of strength and social dominance to whomever is able to Embrace them, and this could massively empower the clan of Death. This might just be enough to ensure the attendance of those that would otherwise be outraged at the lack of transparency and/or nepotism. 

Important Note

At the time our game begins, the Giovanni share the same clan weakness as the core Capppadocian clan. That is to say they possess the same ashen, corpse-like complexion of their forebears rendering them clearly sinister and at minimum deathly sick to mortals.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance


Clan Nicknames: Saracens, The Clan of the Hunt, Assassins


Character Inspiration/Archetype: Hassan-i Sabbah and The Order of Assassins who inspired the first Assassin’s Creed game, Sufism, The Faceless Men in ASOIAF (Game of Thrones)

Territories: Anatolia/Asia Minor, The Balkans, Constantinople/Former Byzantine Empire

Weakness: The Children of Haqim are exacting to a fault. Each one is considered to possess an obsession or a compulsion derangement associated with their highest intellectual (Viziers), physical (Warriors) or creative ability (Sorcerers). As we do with our Malkavians, will work with all players of this clan to craft a meaningful derangement which can be roleplayed sensitively, considering the overlap here with mental illness.


The Children of Haqim (sometimes ignorantly called Assamites in slur) are vampires of Middle Eastern origin who specialise in blood magic, stealth combat and the manipulation of vampiric blood.

In our 15th Century, some of the clan is aligned with the Ottoman Empire but not all Children of Haqim are Muslim and many want nothing to do with war. They have strong moral opinions on what constitutes an acceptable existence as a vampire and practice niche methods of controlling their Beasts. 

The clan follow a code of conduct based on rules set out by their progenitor - in short, prioritising respect for elders of the clan and total separation from the affairs of mortals. The Children of Haqim believe it is their blood right to judge and punish other vampires who misuse mortals or are wasteful with their blood. They see it as their role to protect mortals from other Cainites, maintaining separation between vampires and humans.

As a result, they are not viewed positively by many other clans and are wary at best when engaging with them. Many European Cainites view the Children of Haqim as a young clan emerging from the Middle East to take a bold stance in the nightly struggles between Cainites, oblivious that the Children of Haqim are as old a bloodline as any High Clan lineage can claim

The Children of Haqim split their ranks between three castes, all equal but separate in their duties. Will you be a wise Vizier who passes judgement on the morals and laws of other vampires and values art and knowledge above all? Or perhaps a silent Warrior watching from the shadows, intimately aware of the lesser known aspects of the Beast and equipped with the means to dispatch any enemy of the clan? Or will you lie between the two and flex the powers of your blood as a Sorcerer, dedicated to understanding the nature of vampiric Vitae - hated, feared and respected for their craft?

The Auction

Claudius Giovanni’s invitation reached this clan just as Constantiople has fallen to the Ottoman Empire. Many Children of Haqim who have allied with the Empire believe that in order to act out their clan’s bloodright of judges of vampires and protectors of mortals from their schemes, they must engage again with the Jyhad if only so they can act against it. 

These idealistic clan members may be horrified at Claudius’ plan to auction off gifted mortals to the highest bidder, seeing it as a waste of their potent blood and a dangerous development in the Jyhad. Children of Haqim who focus their energies on knowledge and blood magic, on the other hand, are more likely to be genuinely interested in The Black Dawn and the blood powers of the mortals born under it. Clan members of the Warrior caste may attend the Auction to size up the actions of other clans, as the time may soon come when they must face them on the open field to dole out their righteous judgement.

Though the Children of Haqim avoid involving themselves amid the social politics of other clans, the Auction might just provide an exception. As protectors of mortals that seek to keep them separate from Cainite machinations, some might be in attendance in order to ensure they are not abused by those who would pervert their blood the most. Some might be openly outraged at this misuse of magical blood - or seek to research it themselves as many Children of Haqim are adept practitioners of the occult. Some may simply wish to take advantage of this great gathering of powerful Cainites to assess the strength of the other clans should their paths cross in battle in years to come.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: Mesu Bedshet, Children of Rebellion, Judasians, Serpents, Setites, The Clan of Faith, the Clan of Lies, Typhon

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Akasha and Enkil from The Vampire Chronicles. Also Culebras from From Dusk till Dawn - think Salma Hayek doing that snake dance. Commonly stereotyped as silver-tongued merchants, underworld black market dealers and sometimes charismatic cult leaders

Territories: Egypt, North Africa

Weakness: Followers of Set find it difficult to adjust to bright light. They have great difficulty focussing and taking lucid, good action under bright light, becoming irritable and terse until somebody douses, moves or otherwise removes the source of their frustration.


The Followers of Set trace their origins back to ancient Egypt, to a time when the Gods walked the earth and ruled over mortals directly.

Their opinions on the myth of Set and Osiris differ but all Followers of Set believe that Set is their progenitor and that he - not Caine - was the first vampire. They even say that the fabled First City was Annu (or even Heliopolis) and not the Ur of legend. Their legends fly in the face of almost  all accepted vampire origin theory. They consider the progenitors of the other twelve clans to be cowards that abandoned Set and fled the wrath of Ra - choosing to persist under a servile existence rather than risk angering the Gods. 

It is postulated that the Followers of Set view the other Gods of the Egyptian pantheon as false creatures. They call these Gods "Aeons" - the masters, the bad ones. Set is still terrifying - and a God - but he does give his followers a tiny, tiny chance of reaching Godhead themselves. Meanwhile the Aeons just want to exert the status quo and order. They are very dictatorial, and so in a way Set is more free, and liberating. The Aeons want to exert "Maat" - The Order of Things.

Now, years after the false Gods of Ancient Egypt have died in the eyes of the world, the Followers of Set view any God - or any God concept - as an Aeon. Any structure of control that is not their structure of control is false. This is a rather esoteric approach to their paradigm but it almost has to be: There are so many interpretations of this faith that perhaps the Setites themselves have constructed these interpretations of their clan's spiritual lore to better twist it to outsiders.

The Auction

The only bad thing about a house stuffed full of mystical, shining, untapped human innocents - all powered, apparently, by a solar enigma - is for the Setites the sheer range of choice they suddenly have. Setites have an intense interest in astrology and ‘fated’ individuals. More still they are drawn to mortals who have the potential for charisma, persuasion, seduction and manipulation. But raw power never hurts. They are highly political in this era and would love to observe what the other clans value.

Overall, the Setites have remained quite contained within Egypt and North Africa until recently but they are beginning to venture out towards Europe and this auction is an opportunity to sow some seeds of corruption, learn about the goals of other clans and maybe win a juicy childe or two.

There are even some very Christian-esque Setites, warped in their faith, who often lead Christians astray, off the beaten track and on toward Set - but these Setites genuinely still follow Gnostic traditions. These worshippers are rumoured to believe in a line of mortals descended from Christ (or Jesus-Seth) and they whisper of the Black Sun. They tell of a descendent of Christ who lives among us now, born to the fold of the Children of the Sun.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: The Clan of the Beasts, Animals, Bêtes, Outlanders; Shapeshifters; Shapechangers; Wolves

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Werewolves; Shapeshifters; Old Tales and Oratory Masters

Territories: Rural British Isles, Iberia, France, Holy Roman Empire and The Low Countries (aka Germany and Scandinavia), The Union of Kalmar (aka The Nordic Countries), The Balkans and Eastern Europe

Clan Weakness: All Gangrel have one animalistic physical feature. For example, you might have wolf’s eyes, scales all over your facial skin, or a lion’s tail. It can be hidden by clothing, or by powers such as Obfuscate, or temporarily removed by powers such as Vicissitude, but it will always return when the vampire sleeps.


The Gangrel give vampirism the wildest of its legends - for it is among these vampires that you will find creatures able to literally transform into wolves, and bats, and take to the shifting skies.

A clan of nomads and vampires possessed of a travelling heart - the Gangrel are intimately tied to the wilds in a way that few other clans can truly grasp. Whilst not all choose to shun urban life, most find themselves uncomfortable when confined within a city’s walls, and will heartily resist being tied down to one place in particular.  Their connection to the earth gives them a closer relationship to their beast, to the point that Gangrel often display animalistic traits to both their appearance and demeanour, and are masters of the transformative Protean discipline. 

Gangrel vampires wander the wilderness. While human in form, they feel greater  kinship with the beasts of the wild than the race of man. As increasing  populations of humans have drifted toward the greatest cities, the Gangrel have remained true to the older ways, prowling vast domains as  they feed. This places their very existence in jeopardy, for the Gangrel are among the first to notice when the enemies of vampirekind are on  the move. Yet, these Animals have not completely forsaken mankind. Gangrel routinely return to the cities where vampire Princes claim dominance, for even they crave the company of their own kind. Even the animalistic vampire knows that, if she were ever to abandon society entirely, the slow degeneracy into monstrous abandon would be inevitable. Not only - a few decades out now? You'll never catch up, even if you wanted to.

Traditional European vampires expect the Wolves to protect the boundaries surrounding their domains and to be aware of threats to their cities. Such beasts shouldn't be so uncouth as to hunt mortal prey within their domains; instead, they should spend that time scouring the countryside for trouble. This attitude is not unlike that which a lord inside an estate would have toward the groundskeepers and wardens of the property. Princes tolerate the Gangrel's help if they are content to act as hunters and guardians; many find acceptance by serving as coachmen, couriers and bodyguards. Unconventional Cainites welcome the Gangrel as equals, knowing their sharp fangs and claws may  well be needed should danger enter the midst of their city havens.

The Auction

The unprecedented occurrence of The Black Dawn has had a profound and disturbing impact on this clan of nomadic and wild vampires. Most Wolves are deeply in tune with the patterns and rhythms of nature and as such, this supernatural disturbance of the lunar cycle quickened the attention of the entire clan. 

Many theories circulate about the Clan of the Beasts regarding the meaning of this event, but all agree that it marks a great change in history. Gangrel prefer the wilds and Embrace their vampire children into the blood serendipitously before releasing them into the world to prove their strength. If a new childe survives the immediate nights after their Embrace, they are worth their blood; if not, they perish, or are even slain by their sire.

The Gangrel can be seen as irresponsible by some clans, or even cruel for this practice. It is not unusual for childer to be completely abandoned or Embraced on an impulsive bloodlust - though views on this practise are split even within the clan.  An event orchestrating the pre-selection of potential childer would raise the hackles of even the most liberal members of the clan - but the connection to The Black Dawn is enough to coax even the most superstitious and traditional Gangrel elders out of the forests.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: Magisters, Keepers, Shadows, Shadowmasters, The Clan of the Night

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame (Best. Villain. Song. EVER.)

Territories: Italy especially the Papal States and Sicily, Spain (Portugal, Castile and Aragon in this era) 

Weakness: Lasombra cannot be seen in mirrors or in other reflective surfaces, such as pools of still water or quicksilver. In addition, as creatures of darkness and shade, the Lasombra are greatly pained by the garish presence of bright light.


Someday soon, a great man will coin the immortal adage that it is better to be feared than to be loved.

Though many Ventrue will one day claim that Machiavelli would have made the perfect Patrician - their diplomatic lot have never truly been the clan most adept at ruling through fear. The Lasombra alone wear the crown when it comes to inspiring obedience and subjugation through exerting an effortless and perpetual sense of foreboding over any creature they choose to rule over.

The Clan of the Night; the Lasombra earned this name not through hiding in the shadows, but through controlling them. The Magisters - as these imposing vampires are often known - are the sole masters of an appalling power known only to their kin; the discipline of Obtenebration. Through their blood right, the Lasombra can summon and manipulate a dread form of darkness-made-physical - allowing them to inflict devastating amounts of damage to their foes through shadowy appendages resembling dark tentacles. Advanced practitioners of this discipline know that there is much more to Obtenebration than combat and defence alone, but they guard its secrets fiercely. The discipline has a fearful and eerier reputation, rumoured to throw its users even deeper into damnation that the vampiric state already subjects its victims to. 

Aside from their powers of brute force and their eldritch supernatural abilities, the Lasombra have another powerful weapon in their arsenal with which they exert the majority of the clan’s control over both mortal and vampiric populations. Of all Cainites, the Magisters are the most deeply entrenched in the inner workings of the Catholic Church.

Often born into wealth, many Lasombra take refuge in the manors or landed estates of their own mortal families. Some Magisters simply engage in a clever transfer of title by masquerading as their own inheritors after their transition into undeath, allowing them to retain pecuniary control over any former holdings. Such manoeuvrers also allow for convenient feeding, as significant numbers of live-in mortals are required to maintain such domains. Lasombra lurking among churchmen often feed from the lay of the congregation, although some feel a compunction against this sort of behaviour and seek out sinners to punish with feeding.

Lasombra hail almost exclusively from noble families, particularly those of Italian, Moorish or Spanish extraction. Features are often fine and well-bred, with dark or olive skin draped in the finest raiment wealth can provide. The exception to this rule lies in those Lasombra connected with holy orders, who often dress in vestments or other simple attire as befits their service to God.

The Auction

The truly spiritual amongst the Magisters would have seen the day of the Black Sun as an alarming omen, and given the clan’s unique perspective on darkness perhaps even linked somehow to their antediluvian. Perhaps God is enraged by this new era where so very much has changed course, and this auction will only serve to stoke his wrath. These empowered kine could be emissaries of Satan itself, and this whole event a sham of heretical debauchery. Other, less reactionary Cainites may simply wish to find themselves a powerful childe amid these mortals to further cement their legacy and ambitions. 

The auction has no doubt become a point of contention for the Lasombra. Most of the clan regard the Giovanni with suspicion (only a fool would regard a clan of vampires with anything less) but they tolerate the presence of the necromancers. Some are furious that they were not able to procure these powerful mortals sooner for themselves; nothing is more aggravating than seeing another Cainite make such a bold political move whilst holding the cards. For the Lasombra, a clan who like to think of themselves as being not only on the pulse point of human spiritual matters but also the masters of all things shadow, missing a group of children who were born on an eclipse - one even with a shadowy power that smacks of their possessively protected discipline: Obtenebration - is a blunder they cannot afford.

In these rapidly progressing nights one false move can be enough to set you back decades, even centuries, and the Lasombra are not known for making a mistake twice. Fortunately (and above all amusingly) the Ventrue have been outpaced as surely as the other High Clans, and the Lasombra derive some satisfaction from seeing the Clan of Kings scramble. Yes, the Lasombra heard about the auction by and large at the same time as everyone else, yes they will have to gather themselves immediately to seize power, yes they will have to dominate the competition into submission or manoeuvre their spiritual weight into a position above the gathered mortals they care about - but all of that is nothing compared to seeing the Ventrue taken up by their breeches.

The Ventrue have willingly agreed, through bloody and gritted teeth, to attend this Claudius Exchange. The Ventrue. Who claim above all the importance of the Boon System, who surely loathe Claudius sliding his way into it like this. The Ventrue must hate every angle of this design. Thus: the Lasombra love it. The Magisters are in a better position to seduce the Giovanni than the Ventrue are, at least into some positive grace, given Clan Lasombra own half of Italy for the vampiric Princes in power. The Giovanni will easily benefit off Boons from Clan Lasombra, and Claudius Giovanni will be no exception.

Now, they just have to ensure the Tremere stay well away from The Shadow. That mortal is Lasombra branded, owned and as good as bought. The Magisters would rather raise hell on earth then have the domain of shadows given to the Usurpers - or any clan, for that matter.

The political chaos and innovation of Italian city-states also attracted droves of Brujah - much to the chagrin of the Lasombra, who are used to sharing Italy with Clan Cappadocian only, and at that only Venice, and only since the introduction of the Giovanni family into the clan of death. Some Brujah supported the communes of the past, seeking to make the early governments stable and prosperous. It would not be too out of character for the Lasombra to privately support opponents to the Brujah in this auction, to ensure they do not gain a stronger foothold in Italy.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: Lunatics, Seers, Oracles, Clan of the Moon, Madmen

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Drusilla from Buffy, Claudia from The Vampire Chronicles, Ecstatic Saints

Territories: British Isles, France, Iberia, Italy

Weakness: All members of Clan Malkavian suffer from a permanent, incurable derangement. They may acquire and recover from other derangements, but they can never recover from their primary derangement. We work with each player of any Malkavian character to craft a specific derangement that can be roleplayed sensitively, considering the overlap here with mental illness.


Traditional Cainites refer to this whole clan as one of Lunatics, dangerous creatures that should, perhaps, be kept on a leash. 

Most are capable of feigning sanity for long periods of time, but when hard-pressed, their afflictions manifest in unsightly and distasteful ways. No matter how well they may emulate proper behaviour, insanity surges through Clan Malkavian like a roiling tempest. Unconventional vampires value the Malkavians' insight and perspicacity - if one can reason the method behind their madness, one often gains a fresh perspective on one's situation. Malkavians are, if nothing else, always able to look outside the box. And, sometimes, they are able to do a great deal more than that.

Mortals of the Renaissance are restless and unsatisfied, continually pushing the boundary of what can and cannot be: in art, in architecture, in science, in finance, in travel... Some of the passions of the Renaissance would well appear rather insane to the mortals of the yesteryear and the Dark Ages. The Malkavians see the bright storm of this era as an opportunity to better their lives, to rise up from the dark of their pasts. As ever more territories are expanded into and new settlements welcome in travel and commerce, the Malkavians also spread to hitherto uncharted lands. 

Once they were prophets of darkness, but the scholars and artists of the Renaissance have given new value to an obsessive mind. It is not uncommon to see a man prized for his free-thinking zeal even in the face of his questionable sanity, where before the medieval world would have suffocated it; nor for the fanatic to be praised for a gloriously scandalous piece of art, even if the individual is jabbering and looking sleep-deprived.  The Malkavians are beginning to wake up, and with it the other side of their psyche.

The Auction

Known as the Clan of the Moon - it is not surprising that the day of the Black Sun left Clan Malkavian in a state of alarm and disarray. The event triggered a ripple of dreams, visions and innumerable forms of distress throughout the clan across the continent. 

A few might even have known about the existence of these blessed mortals without ever having met one - though few would have believed them. Stranger still, the humans seemed obfuscated even to those rare vampires who might have sensed or known of them; until only a year ago, that is. To those vampires, these Black Sun Children might be harbingers of a great prophecy or dark fate. Others see them as a chance for a brand new experience and something that has never quite been seen before, surely an exciting prospect for this inquisitive clan. The dreams and whispers circling this strange auction no doubt tug at the synapses of many Malkavians, drawing them towards the event even if they received no invitation.

Ultimately, the Clan of the Moon is as divided on how to deal with these mortals as they are practically every issue in their unlives. Herding cats is not a phrase too out of keeping when trying to formulate a unifying theme for Clan Malkavian; even their own personal madness varies from one Malkavian to the next with no pattern, rhyme or reason to an outsider. Often, the only unifier to the Lunatics is just how many vampires pity or look down upon them. It might not sit well with some of them that gifted and even traumatised mortals are being paraded around like a circus act for the benefit of the High Clans (because surely it will be they who win the fate of these creatures), but there are an equal number of Malkavians who might find it all entertaining, sadistically or otherwise. Where one Malkavian is gleeful, another is horrified, and another still is enraged by the auction.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: The Clan of the Hidden, Sewer Rats, Lepers, Crawlers

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Count Orlok, The Master from BTVS, Reggie Calder from Salem’s Lot, Lepers and Beggars of the Middle Ages, Street Urchins

Territories: Widespread across Europe, Russia and parts of the Middle East but always dwelling in the underworld or hiding deep in the wilds

Weakness: The Embrace curses all Nosferatu with obvious physical deformities that vary between different lineages, but that are always shocking and repulsive enough to prevent them from ever being able to live in normal human society.


The curse of vampirism transforms Nosferatu into hideous creatures; thus, they are drawn to the ugliest quarters of the Renaissance - and the underworld of each city. The lowest classes of humanity victimise each other for a scant chance at survival. When their blood flows freely, the Nosferatu swarm to feed.

When this bloodlust has passed, they organise with preternatural cunning. Throughout the horror of the Black Death various catacombs were created or expanded; adding to them in this new age, many of the largest cities expand their infrastructure and underground. Nosferatu elders have come to regard these new lands as their own private kingdoms. Strangely enough, few Princes have the courage to challenge such claims - or the power to wipe out the denizens of their kindgoms. As such, princes accept such boasts so as to draw as little attention to the Nosferatu as possible.

Traditional Kindred regard the Sewer Rats as vermin, particularly since it may be difficult to ascertain their true numbers in a city. Who knows what foul plots they conceive underground? Who do they talk to when they unearth secrets no Prince or elder can find? While their ability to gather such facts make the Nosferatu an asset to a sagacious Prince, welcoming one to a social gathering is madness. In true fashion to the age (and especially for those vampires coming out of the medieval era), most religious Cainites believe that a Nosferatu's hideous exterior no doubt reflects the moral blight within the monster's very soul. Unconventional vampires cannot forgive such moral laxity, but they may find innovative ways to exploit it. Some tortured Nosferatu eternally strive to achieve humane ends as penance for the sins that have condemned them to such an unkind fate. By giving them that chance, some good may come from the evil that lies within such beastial creatures. One must remember, however, that the Sewer Rats are the basest and most bestial creatures in the Race of Caine. It is just and right for society to afflict them with the stigma of social ostracism.

The Nosferatu have a chunky section for their activities in the Renaissance, please click on the button below to see it on their clan page.

The Auction

Though the Nosferatu have not publicly acknowledged the Black Dawn or the subsequent rumours about humans born on that date with blood abnormalities, the Clan of the Hidden have certainly been made aware of the many whispers alluding to these events. A deeply spiritual clan on the whole, the Nosferatu were shaken by the unforeseen celestial event of the Black Dawn and immediately put their information gathering skills to work researching the cause and effects of the eclipse. They were able to pick up on the dregs of some information regarding humans with supernatural powers who shared a date of birth coinciding with the Black Dawn but every time a warren felt that they were about to close in on a lead, their ghoulish talons closed in an empty fist. For a clan so united in its practice of rooting out hidden information, that they could not for these humans has lead several Nosferatu elders to draw some very dark conclusions.

It was only when the clan received an invitation to an auction of extraordinary humans from none other than Claudius Giovanni that they realised they had been outplayed. The clan take the ghouling and Embrace of humans very seriously, with childer and sire often remaining in close contact through the duration of their lives. As such, the concept of humans being sold en masse for vampires of any clan to do with as they please is nothing short of horrific to many Nosferatu. The religious members of the clan and those who still hold strongly to their humanity are deeply disturbed by the many cruel and unusual fates that may befall the humans sold at this auction. The clan is sure to put all of their clandestine skills to work in order to gather as much information about the humans and their powers as possible - both in order to try and bring as many as they can under the safety of the Nosferatu and also in an attempt to divert potential power from rival, frivolous clans. They believe that Claudius has made a great mistake in making his acquisition of these humans public knowledge to the entirety of vampiric society, but now that that ship has sailed the Nosferatu certainly don’t intend to be left behind.

Despite being a reclusive clan due to constraints beyond their own control, the Nosferatu still stand to bring a lot to the table at a political event specialising in the exchange of boons - or Claudius Credits as their gracious host is insisting on calling the currency of his atrocious exchange. The clan has a wealth of skills, secrets and boons accumulated over centuries of subterfuge and politics to leverage at the auction. They are also interested to observe the machinations of the other clans, though they generally view many of their cousins as superficial, petty and prone to becoming tangled in their own schemes that they do not have the connections or resources to execute correctly. The auction offers the Nosferatu a rare opportunity to emerge from their warrens and put their talents to work in a manner which could swing the axis of power for the clan towards the better - though they must take great care to hide the full extent of their aptitude from the other clans lest they are seen as too great a threat for vampire society to tolerate.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: The Seekers, Charlatans, Deceivers, Rogues, Ravens

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Origin story and epic poem The Wounds of the Night’s Sword are probably inspired by the Persian epic poem Shahnameh; Lori people; Romani people

Territories: All over but often temporary

Weakness: While the Ravnos are masters of changing the reality around them, they have a harder time changing their own fundamental reality. All Ravnos have a key personality trait, chosen at character creation, which they are incapable of resisting if the opportunity to express it presents itself. This can be some kind of virtuous act, such as defending the weak, or something more sinister, such as taking advantage of someone in a lesser position.


The Ravnos are the unliving inheritors of nomadic traditions, watching over companies of mortal wanderers as they roam across Europe.

These vampires move between cities and wilderness with equal freedom, never staying long enough to fully endure the scorn of Princes. Unfortunately, for a clan which has done comparatively little to earn it, the Ravnos face the collective ire, scorn and prejudice of the entire vampire world. The Ravos have been portrayed as cunning, mysterious outsiders who tell fortunes and steal before moving on to the next town.

The Ravnos live by a complex set of rules that govern things such as cleanliness, purity, respect, honor and justice. Unbeknown to most western vampires, they are a clan rich in the culture of oral tradition, the likes of which would put Clan Gangrel to shame. Similarly to the cloistered Nosferatu, the Ravnos emphasise the importance of family to their childer; they value their bonds to one another, cultivating broods and connections which last the ages. They have had to. Unlike the Nosferatu, they are rarely seen as "useful" to other vampires, a questionable privilege in itself. Often portrayed as exotic and strange, the Ravnos have faced discrimination and persecution for centuries. They are viewed often as vermin, and given little respect. They above all face the worst of the vampiric world’s cliquey and insular nature.

The Ravnos do not follow a single faith; rather, they often adopt the predominant religion of the country where they are living - leading some of their elders to describe their people as "many stars scattered in the sight of God."

The Ravens of the west have no stable home nor welcome — neither a kingdom nor a republic — that is, they have no administration enforcing their laws or edicts. For Ravnos childer as well as elders who live together on the move, the basic 'unit' is constituted by the family and the lineage. Sharing one's success with your family is considered honourable, and Ravnos hosts will make a display of hospitality by offering gifts to their guests. Generosity is seen as an investment in the network of social relations that a family may need to rely on in troubled times. Indeed, the Ravens care as much about the ancient rite of Hospitality as the most staunchly traditional Tzimisce elder.

The Auction

Being openly invited to a meeting of Cainites is a titillating and amusing experience for most Ravnos - they very seldom get the opportunity to come as they are to any gathering of their own kind, let alone one as august as Claudius Giovanni’s auction. The concept of an auction is intrinsically interesting to the Ravnos, as it invites the opportunity to make an exchange of sorts. However, they are suspicious of the Giovanni's banking history and practice of usury - generating interest both in finance and in boons - and are likely to be very cautious in how they engage with his credit system. 

Whether an individual Ravnos chooses to partake in bidding or not, any Raven is sure to be fascinated by the antics that the other clans are bound to get themselves into as they climb over one another to obtain what they desire - a human of the Black Dawn. The Ravnos will delight in gathering information about who is getting who into how much debt - and more importantly which humans seem to be generating the most interest. Many Ravnos are chomping at the bit to find out more about these mysteriously gifted humans - they are not accustomed to not being privy to supernatural secrets and they certainly want to get the upper hand by finding out as much as they can about each human’s power and indeed, about each human’s story and secrets.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: The Clan of the Rose, Roses, Hedonists, Artisans, Epicureans, Degenerates

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Anne Rice all over this motherfucker. Lestat, Lestat, Lestat. 

Territories: High population of Toreador in Western Europe, refugees from Constantiople fleeing west as well

Weakness: Toreador can become physically mesmerised by beautiful objects, people, music or vistas. They can also become deeply obsessed with the object of their fascination.


Where the Ventrue are the crown of high vampiric society, the Toreador are the dazzling, central crown jewel - or so both clans would have you believe.

Toreador flourish where mortals thrive more than any other clan, even if they do not emulate it as well as they would prefer. Toreadors master the intricate dance of high society, often claiming to lead it by example. They would act as the shepherds of humanity - though, sometimes, only to feed off the flock and sate their hunger for life. Toreador above any clan tend to use, abuse and discard mortals, following a short-lived (but all-consuming) obsession that can be overwhelming for the victim. On the surface they are the most beautiful clan, but beneath each Rose festers a restless dissatisfaction of the soul. Very little is ever good enough for a Toreador who has had their fill. They move on faster than any other clan.

Art reflects the highest aspirations of Renaissance society, and as such, the Toreador treasure artistic achievement. Drawn to the luminaries of the artistic world like moths to the flame, these vampires hunger for the spark of brilliance living artists possess. Sadly, many Toreador have lost such vital qualities. Vampires are inherently static creatures, relics of bygone ages, and most lack the fire of mortal creativity. Their figures are preserved in undying flesh, but they can only marvel at the transient state of life. The Toreadors' flesh, like the marble edifices of the places they protect with their patronage, has grown cold, but the blood of passionate men and women keep them warm.

Traditional vampires praise this clan as one of the pillars upholding the vampiric world, but secretely, they regard the Toreador as indulgent and hedonistic Degenrates. They scandalously sully themselves by mingling a bit too freely with the herd of humankind, allowing themselves to be ruled by passion. What they cannot feel, they appropriate from their living victims. Of course, it will be one of their own, Rafael de Corazon, who will one day speak so eloquently at the founding of the Camarilla, and thus, his brethren should be welcomed - if only to keep up appearances. But those nights have not yet come, and though the governance that will become the Camarilla is but a twinkle in the eyes of certain elders, the Toreador have already begun fastening their bejewelled claws around the throat of the Renaissance world. Unconventional vampires know that Toreador hold insights into human society their elders have all but forgotten. On rare and wonderful occasions, they can even recapture the passions they once held in life.

The Auction

The Toreador see acquisition of promising humans as their domain, at least where appearance and artistic skill are concerned. They are incensed that another clan is holding what looks to be the occasion of the century and they do not like the idea of having to trade expensive boons for what should be theirs by right if they want it. They have heard that these humans may possess exquisitely delicious blood and that many of them are particularly alluring, powerful and talented. 

Forever the ultimate hypocrites, the Toreador see the Giovanni as a cruel and vulgar clan - how dare they trade mortals for advantage? The gentler Toreadors may cradle their bleeding hearts as they agonise over the fates of these mortals - some may picture themselves rescuing them as their knight in blood-stained but fashionable armour. The majority of the clan, however, are more likely to engage in their usual debased levels of moral and political backstabbing to get exactly what they want at the best price possible. If they come across useful information regarding the goals of other clans while they are at their work, then that would be a particularly juicy added bonus.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: Usurpers, Magi, Witches, Warlocks, The Broken Clan, Defilers

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Blood Mage Trope, Hermetic Scholars, Power Drunk Mages, Faction-Controls-Your-Entire-Life, Very Ceremonial, Bitchcraft, Seriously-Over-Ambitious

Territories: Hidden chantries in Eastern Europe and Transylvania, England, France, Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Italy

Weakness: Tremere are easily made dependent on the blood of another. It takes only two draughts of another vampire’s blood for a Tremere to become blood bound instead of the normal three — the first drink counts as if the Tremere had taken two drinks.


Blood sorcerers and lethal arcane mages, the Tremere are unlike any band of academics you will ever meet: For they did nothing short of launch an all-out fire and brimstone war on three of the largest vampiric clans, shortly after transforming themselves into vampires.

The Tremere started it, by other clans’ opinion, by dabbling in things they shouldn’t. At present, the ambitious Tremere find themselves the youngest clan of vampires to stalk the shadows of Europe, and some clans refuse to even call them that. Many vampires outright refuse to accept them as a clan in their own right, due to the truly illegitimate nature of their origins. The Tremere trace their dawn to a profane ritual that took place in 1022 - instigated by a small group of human mages in House Tremere when they realised their hermetic arts were fading. The world was changing, they were fading, and with it was slipping their immortality. Using captured vampire fledglings as part of his great experiment, the mage Goratrix succeeded in granting himself, Tremere, and six others the gift of immortality - at the cost of shattering their Avatars and losing previous magical ability. Not something the rest of the mages expected.

A distinctly ordered and strict clan, such a secretive clade of new vampires could only survive and prosper through the enforcing of a strict pyramid structure, where power funnels up absolutely, with Tremere himself at the top. The other original seven formed a council beneath him, and all were bound through the blood-bond to him. Henceforth, any newly Embraced childe was submitted to this bond, ritually imbibing the blood of the council and their peers to compel their loyalty. To date, this incestuous blood-bound rigour is what makes the Tremere one of the bitchiest clans to exist in, but against outside forces they can collectively lock leg with a force not yet seen before in the vampire world.

Many believe that the clan would not have survived if not for the unspeakable act committed by Tremere himself. The clan’s progenitor discovered and diablerised a third generation "antediluvian" vampire, named Saulot. This sudden influx of power from the devoured soul, combined with the theft of blood the Tremere so routinely attend to, has granted them the title Usurpers. It is no exaggeration to say that plenty of other clans would quite happily see the Tremere wiped from existence. Sadly for them, the Tremere’s mastery of blood sorcery makes them too powerful for any one force of Cainites to destroy - that and their political aptitude that has won them favour in several European courts.

Indeed, they seem to be winning the war against the proud Tzimisce, who are so isolated as individuals - locked away in their castles and heeding little advice - the Tremere are almost picking them off, one by one.

Traditional Kindred know that these Witches have seized a remarkable amount of power within the Renaissance, forming a united front against all who would question their Council of Seven clan elders in Vienna. Of course, the leader of that council, Tremere himself, has disappeared, no doubt slumbering in torpor for centuries because of his blasphemous acts. Wise Cainites know that Tremere routinely betray each other in their schemes for power within their clan, so all of them must be closely watched. Unconventional vampires know that the Tremere's command of Thaumaturgy is a potent weapon, one many childer loyally wield in support of allies outside of the clan. However, more than any other lineage, Tremere are expected to place loyalty to their clan above all other associations. Those who exploit the clan's secret lore to teach it to others outside the clan may be recalled to Vienna to be properly "instructed" in obedience. Unsurprisingly, they never return. And those who were taught such secret arts are hunted down and as secretly slain.

The Auction

This insular and studious clan were absolutely captivated by the eclipse and have been searching for a reason for it ever since it occurred, all the while keeping an eye on how it may have affected magic in the world and more importantly blood. As relatively new vampires the Tremere do not like being taken by surprise - not by a phenomenon that seems to affect the sun, of all things, however much a blessing it seemed on the surface for one day. (And you can be sure the Tremere used that day well, effectively using the opportunity for some spring cleaning of Tzimisce castles, with copious fire.) 

Sorcery and blood magic are the domain of the Tremere and the rumours of humans with powerful blood born during the eclipse have certainly not escaped them. For centuries the Tremere have made it their business to snap up humans with magical/supernatural ability and they guard their research into vampiric and human blood alike with near pathological secrecy. Missing these mortals is a mistake they will not easily endure. Some Tremere are attending purely to determine if the Giovanni have secreted away - and worse, Embraced - mortals better suited to blood magic than necromancy. The Tremere have no illusions that Claudius would actually sell a human who held necromantic power. But the others? The Tremere are here to counter losses and at least ensure they rise above the other clans - directing their bidding with pinpoint, united effort. The Tremere are masters with efficient force.

Elders among this young clan are furious that Claudius Giovanni’s acquisition of these mortals may result in their missing out on even a single one of these fascinating humans, but needs must. Younger Tremere may see this as an opportunity to learn as much as they can about abnormalities of the blood. Young or old, the Tremere certainly have a deep interest in acquiring as many of these humans as they possibly can - but only in a manner approved of by their superiors, of course. A Pontifex is as likely to appear as a Regent, and even a low-sphere apprentice might be permitted to attend the auction, all to obfuscate who holds the real power in the clan to the public eye. Internal clan politics will be wild for the Tremere with them duking out who deserves to ghoul or Embrace the humans should they get hold of any.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: Fiends, Dragons, Voivodes

Character Inspiration/Archetype: Count Dracula, Slavic Paganism, Vampires in Slavic Folklore (rusalka, strigoi/shtriga, dhampir, bruxa), Body Horror - think Jared Nomak from Blade 2, The Order of the Dragon

Territories: Wallachia, Transylvania, The Balkans, Constantinople before the fall, Bohemia, Lithuania 

Weakness: Tzimisce must sleep in contact with at least two handfuls of the earth of their homeland, or else they suffer cumulative weakness affecting their will and power. It is debated whether this earth must be from the land of their birth or their Embrace, or merely the land they most associate with - The Tzimisce prefer to keep this clarification cryptic for obvious reasons.


The Tzimisce are a strange and traditional clan of vampires whose territories lie almost solely in Eastern Europe, protected by strong fortresses and ancient forests too dense to be penetrated by the glow of the Renaissance. They are commonly referred to as the Fiends by other clans owing to their macabre discipline of fleshcraft and their barbarous habit of practicing this talent on the humans under their thrall. To the noble Tzimisce (at least those who would still use this power, see inside Clan Page: “Koldons and Fleshcrafters”), the shaping of flesh is as vital and expressive as the moulding of clay is to a sculptor - though they also use this ability to create frighteningly altered and powerful servants, and to interrogate their enemies.

And who would be the enemies of such a brutal collection of vampires? For centuries, the Tzimisce have been entwined in a bitter and bloody war against none other than the Tremere who stand accused of using the blood and the power of the Tzimisce to transform themselves into vampires. Along with the Gangrel and Nosferatu, many Tzimisce have perished in an attempt to eradicate the Tremere - a losing battle that has forced many Fiends back into their fortressed to watch from afar as their numbers deplete.

The Auction 

Many Tzimisce would have a particular interest in attending an auction of unusual humans as they already spend quite a bit of their precious time searching for robust and powerful mortals to diversify and strengthen the blood of their Revenant lines. Each fiend has a different set of characteristics that they look for when acquiring  new breeding stock and Claudius’ auction seems to have something to offer for every palate. 

The Kolduns and scholars among the Tzimisce have paid close attention to the events surrounding The Black Dawn, which was unexpected enough to pry them from their old tomes and practices. Even if they are not interested in obtaining a mortal affected by the eclipse for their breeding properties, they would certainly be interested in how they are connected to this cosmic event and how this strange rearrangement of the Heavens has empowered them.

Outside of the main attraction of the auction, many Tzimisce will come to Claudius’ gathering of Cainites with more extracurricular objectives in mind. Their lands are torn apart by warfare and their clan is beset open from all sides by a formidable range of foes. The rare pragmatic and co-operative members of the clan hope to use the opportunity to gain allies and aid them in their fight against the Tremere, the native werewolves to the forests and even the human armies of the Ottoman Empire that threaten to take control of their lands. The more warlike fiends hope to learn the weakness and ambitions of their enemies and the politicians and scholars of the Byzantine lines may prove helpful in assisting these ambitions through careful observation and participation in the Claudius Exchange.

Although the cultures, background and goals of the Tzimisce may differ by individual, all fiends expect Claudius to hold to the laws of hospitality when inviting the clan of the dragon to nest under his roof and they will respect his rules in return - for the requisite three days and three nights only, of course.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance



Clan Nicknames: The Clan of Kings, Kings, Blue Bloods, Patricians, Warlords

Character Inspiration/Archetype: King Arthur, Blood-Gives-Right-To-Rule; The Lannisters from AFOIAF (Game of Thrones); All Uptight Nobility

Territories: Western Europe in particular France (mainly Brittany) and England, Eastern Europe, Formerly Constantinople

Weakness: Ventrue have rarified tastes in blood. Each Ventrue finds only one specific type of mortal blood palatable, and does not gain sustenance from anything else. When a player creates a Ventrue character, she should talk to her Storyteller and define a specific type of blood that suits the character’s taste. This category should be fairly narrow; less than one person in 10 should fit the description. This choice is permanent.


The Ventrue are the aristocracy of the night, culled from the noble dynasties - many of the living leaders of the world are their descendants.

While a few Ventrue are recruited from the leaders of the merchant class and industry, they are currently regarded with scorn by those who follow older, nobler traditions. The civilised world reveres status, and none demonstrate the virtues (or folly) of the upper class of society like Clan Ventrue.

Traditional Kindred acknowledge the Kings as the aristocracy of the undead and even concoct fictions that different Ventrue dynasties uphold different ideals. Most vampires may praise the clan as a whole but secretly malign them as individuals, remembering the shortcomings and failures of each one in meticulous detail. Unconventional Cainites find less scandal in a Ventrue who chooses not to rule, even if she should pursue a profession so base as dabbling in business or industry.

The Renaissance represents a period of transition for the Ventrue. For the Kings, that sobriquet signifies change as well. Gone are the nights of the absolute king in his castle, but time has not yet made an unequivocal master of the businessman or merchant. As such, Clan Ventrue's kingly nickname means two things: It harkens to the time when royal families shaped the destinies of the world, but it also applies to the burden of leadership they have shouldered for the sake of all other vampires.

The Ventrue's ranks are only just beginning to diversify, worried as some of the clan is that they will stagnate themselves out of the world picture. To be sure, Ventrue still number among the aristocratic families and generals of the age (or rather, advisers to generals and other officers to whom curious hours would be a notable concern - as the Inquisition looms), but now, they also include the merchant, the academician, the ambassador and the socialite. In the increasingly modern world, the masses have the true voice, with feudalism having fallen by the wayside and more democratic visions of leadership having raised their heads. Concepts not appreciated by most Ventrue, let alone the noblest of them.

This particular notion causes bitter-sweet mirth among the most august elders of the clan, who remember the nights of the Roman republic and the height of democracy. These modern notions are but a pale echo of that, and the fall of a nobility that fails to consider the true origins of the Ventrue as a clan of leadership makes them shake their heads.

Not all Ventrue are as noble as their double-entrendre of a sobriquet hopes, however. Many are connivers and schemers, heirs to a sire's legacy that they claim by right of lineage and generation. these embody the worst aspects of the clan, exhibiting only greed and an outdated sense of entitlement.

Most Ventrue fall somewhere in between these two poles of idealism, with most sadly tending toward the avarice and abuse of power of which they find themselves so often accused. Of this, though, what can be said? It is a decadent time, rife with pleasures and comforts, and what good does it do the vampire as a whole for a Ventrue not to claim her due of benefits? Who was ever helped by someone else going without?

The Auction

When the Ventrue learned that Claudius had not dispatched his invitation to the Clan of Kings with any particular haste or priority over his other guests, they were insulted. When they came to realise that they would be attending such an eminent event alongside the very lowest of the low clans, they were absolutely incensed. Still, the Ventrue have enough pride to rise above these challenges and besides - the only thing worse than sharing space with scum would be to retreat due to their mere presence.

For the Venture, the only saving grace of the auction is the very fact that it is indeed an auction where the goods in question will be sold to the highest bidder - and when the currency in question is based on boons, the Ventrue have no doubt about who that highest bidder will be. As for Claudius’ Giovanni’s new system of credits… the Ventrue disapprove of it strongly enough to refuse to even use the ridiculous eponymous name he has given them. The Boon system is something like a strict, religious dogma to the Ventrue and Claudius is at best committing gross blasphemy with his hateful, modern exchange system. At worst, this system of accounting for boons and favours and converting them into a currency purely for trading with the Giovanni threatens to destabilise the entire system that the Ventrue consider to be the bedrock of the vampiric establishment.

Claudius’ auction offers a smorgasbord of human talent and potential for the picking - the only drawback being that the bidding for said humans must be done in public in front of powerful rivals and foes. The haughty and proud Ventrue find the idea of their investments being made common knowledge distasteful in the least - but not distasteful enough to avoid bidding entirely.

Aside from offering a varied and numerous selection of potential childer, some Ventrue may see the auction as an opportunity to establish a particularly hardy and delicious new Herd. If any extraordinary human up for sale at the auction happens to fall under the category of any individual Ventrue’s feeding restriction, that unhappy individual is certain to expect a lucrative bidding war for their life. If these humans are as powerful as Claudius has touted them to be, one can only assume that they would make excellent breeding stock.

See Clan Page for what the clan is doing in The Renaissance


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