Amongst the oldest and proudest lines of Cainites, the Ventrue take their place as natural leaders and kings amid any society they chose to partake in.
They consider themselves the guardians of tradition, and most elder Ventrue honestly believe they not only know what is best for the future of all Cainites, but should be the ones to guide vampires along that path. They are not purely politicians, however. Ventrue fill a variety of duties that range from scholars to knights, advisers to warlords.
One thing common to almost all Ventrue is that they chose to embrace from high-born mortals and those of noble birth. A couple might place greater importance upon ‘nobility of character’ but the majority are beholden to a sense of pedigree. The Ventrue cherish history and lineage, some even listing their mortal bloodlines with as much gravity as their vampiric one.
Features in Ventrue domains unsurprisingly tend toward the prominent or the prestigious. Governmental districts usually fall under these auspices, as do financial regions and wealthy neighbourhoods. While cultural and artistic districts usually fulfil these criteria, Ventrue typically leave them to the Toreador, being much more interested in the bottom line of a domain's prosperity than the less tangible favour of patronage. Particularly dutiful Ventrue occasionally claim troubled domains, in that they might right the problems there (or influence them to be righted, at least), thereby fulfilling their duties as leader and, coincidentally, earning the concurrent accolades.
Broods and lineages of Ventrue sometimes grow out of a single sire's domain, but they survive only rarely without going their separate ways. In many of these cases, the sire extends the benefits (and responsibilities...) of the domain to his childer. This situation can be comfortable, true, but again, it does nothing for the childe, since, until she does something for herself, she's merely riding the coattails of her progenitor. Sires sometimes bequeath portions of their domains to their childer, but this occurs only rarely, as it both perpetuates nepotism and shrinks the domain of the sires.
As the classical era gained momentum, the Ventrue found themselves instrumental to the ruling of many great powers - including Sparta and the Roman Empire. Steadily, the Ventrue switched from claiming positions of godhood or divinity amongst mortals to ruling from behind the scenes; maintaining their absolute control over their kingdoms but doing so without using their vampiric nature to terrify the kine. In contrast to other clans that demanded tithes of blood, human sacrifice and wielded terror clumsily, the Ventrue were far more elegant and dignified in their exercising of power. After the fall of Rome, many Ventrue abandoned the region to establish themselves elsewhere, rebuilding their own personal courts. The Holy Roman Empire was one such bastion, and the Ventrue were extremely active in the Crusades - which put them at odds with clans such as the Children of Haqim, Tzimisce and many Lasombra.
As codes of honour and the laws of Chivalry rose to prominence in Western Europe, many Ventrue adopted these practises - particularly the young. It aligned particularly well with the Ventrue’s practise of embracing only high-born individuals, and so many brought notions such as chivalry forward into unlife. A highly organised clan, every member knows their place and strives to uphold it with honour. To gain respect and standing within the clan, one must embody the notion of dignitas - the ability to maintain reputation and go through unlife as a paragon of grace, dignity and honour. Whilst many Ventrue might commit countless sins and underhanded deeds, they must conduct themselves publicly as a perfect example of noble leadership and an expert in gentility. New neonates are schooled with merciless intensity in order to live up to the ideals and expectations of their peers; to embarrass your sire could mean being labelled a pariah amid Ventrue society.
Europe is experiencing unprecedented upheaval as the Renaissance dawns. Some aspects of this change will be alarming to the Ventrue; the growing independence of the working classes and the rise of the merchant class to name a few. The traditional systems of might through blood are being challenged, and new powers have risen from humble origins. Some see this turbulence as an excellent chance to grasp power amid chaos - implementing order and stability where tired mortals really want to be ruled, even if they don’t realise it.
Religion is easily as capable of oppressing the small-folk as warfare, and so many Ventrue chose instead to become patrons of the Christian church, though their power there has since waned (see below). Even what power they did have does not sit well with those of pagan Roman lines - including notable ancient Ventrue such as Mithras: God-king of Britain, and Monarch of Avalon. As pillars of dignity and refinement, fewer Ventrue lean into the changing fashions and are slower to adapt their awareness of the progression of the arts and sciences (to be caught ignorance in polite court conversation would be an embarrassment, and so some do attempt to keep at the cutting edge, but they are often unhappily second to some clans in this, though no Ventrue would admit it) but just as many favour the designs and music of ages gone by - displaying one’s age and pedigree by donning robes from seven centuries ago is a great power move.
The Church?
Clans Ventrue and Lasombra have squabbled over the Church for centuries. Why did the Lasombra care about infiltrating the Church in the first place? The clan understood the tremendous hold Christianity had over the mass of people. If the religion that now dominated Europe could be bent to their will, their power would be unlimited. Additionally, most nobbles looked to the Church for confirmation of their authority - their rule was affirmed by divine right. The Lasombra saw where that could get them.
Clan Ventrue meanwhile, miscalculated with Christianity, believing initially that it was yet another cult, one that would attract only a few crackpots and trouble-makers before quickly fading away. If it did become successful, they reasoned, they could always accommodate it - after all, the Roman state religion had served them well, and it would hardly be difficult to change horses in midstream. The infighting between the Lasombra cults and the doctrinal crises of the second century so long ago disguised the true influence of Christianity in Rome and its growing hold on the city's mortal masters; and, of course, the Lasombra did not tell the Ventrue of the dangerous faith that Christianity inspired.
The Ventrue were therefore shocked when, some 250 years after the birth of Christ, they discovered the true extent of Christianity in Rome - and the vast threat it posed to their own control. Though they’ve been trying to recuperate their losses to the Lasombra, with Christianity they were late to the party, a bitter pill to swallow for a clan usually so good at predicting mortal patterns of behaviour.
Ventrue History
‘I learned this lesson first and best: Defend what is yours, let no other take it from you, for that dishonor is worse than Final Death itself...A second lesson; The acquisition of power only whets the appetite for more.’
- Friederich von Taunenberg
(12th C Ventrue Elder)
Libellus Sanguinis I
Before the Fall / Roman Origins
Ancient Rome was the pinnacle of everything that the Ventrue had ever hoped to achieve. The Elders that recall its splendour will never hesitate to remind younger, uneducated Cainites that the Roman Empire would never have reached such dizzying heights of development without the interest and investment of the Clan of Kings. The Empire’s might spread further than any before it and the Ventrue used its reach to their advantage, spreading their influence across the European continent and beyond - building up their strength with each new civilisation conquered.
The Ventrue’s involvement with the Roman Empire was so deep and long lived that the clan even inherited the epithet of Patricians and many aspects of the clan’s unique culture are heavily influenced by Roman practices and traditions. The Ventrue took great pride in their political and martial achievements through the engine of the Empire - but we all know that pride comes before the fall. When Rome finally did fall, countless Ventrue lost centuries upon centuries of work, sacrifice, blood and investment. Their culture was shattered and their achievements thrown to the wind - a wave of psychic shock reverberated throughout the clan as they were forced to realise that even the mightiest of structures can fall to chaos.
After the fall, some Roman Ventrue fled East to Constantinople and made a new home amongst the remnants of what they once knew - clinging to comforting political and social traditions in the Eastern Empire. Others remained in Western Europe and fought against the waves of barbarians that burned and pillaged their hard won lands. Ever resilient in their pursuit of power, the Ventrue of the Dark Ages found ways to establish new footholds from which they could rebuild their influence but they will never forget what the clan lost with the fall of Rome - and they will never leave themselves vulnerable to such total upheaval again.
Out of the Dark
Those Ventrue who settled in Constantinople and the lands of the Eastern Roman Empire prospered under the stability and guidance of Byzantine rule - though they never quite managed to attain the absolute power and domination that they wielded in the old empire. Though many held respected positions in the complex vampiric political machine of Constantinople, these Byzantine Ventrue were obliged to become accustomed to working alongside other clans as equals. Though this put some of their noble noses quite far out of joint, it did allow this cohort of Patricians to work on the valuable skills of mediation, diplomacy and even manipulation.
The Ventrue that stayed in their old domains in Western Europe had a more challenging, bloodier time of clawing back their birthright of power and control. Their old territories lay smoking and razed by raid after raid of conquering hordes and barbarian tribes. What little infrastructure remained was damaged and dispersed and lesser clans were taking advantage of the opportunity that war and disorder always brings to those low enough to rob a dying man. Though it seemed to some that there was nothing left worth saving, the Ventrue are a stubborn and resolute clan that will defend what is theirs to the bitter end. And so the Ventrue of the Old World dug in their heels and battled with their repulsion - choosing to swallow a small slither of their pride and dedicate their efforts to establishing dominance over the rabble of new noble houses springing up in the wake of the Germanic invaders.
Though it was a bitter pill for some to swallow, the remedy took hold in a glorious manner. The Ventrue were careful to infiltrate the Christian church early in its efforts to convert these masses and they quickly gained influence in human spheres of power through grooming select ghouls and childer from rising royal lines and noble houses. The fingers of The Holy Roman Empire formed into the clan’s strong new fist, shrouded in a gauntlet of faith, nobility and military power. The clan thrived in the Frankish Kingdom of Charlemagne and became so entrenched with the nobility and politics of the time that they no longer needed to hold onto the reins of the church - leaving this sphere to the likes of the Lasombra and Toreador.
An old but wonderfully relevant video on the clan by Matthew Dawkins, author of a fair bit of some great official Vampire the Masquerade material! (Just be aware it is not for the Renaissance time period, bur rather our modern day. And don’t worry about any unknown terminology.)
Western Europe faced many challenges over the course of the High Middle Ages but the Ventrue’s dedication to maintaining control over the mortal nobility and military forces of the land shielded the clan from yet more waves of conquering barbarians - though the Kings still despise the vampires that they associate with Vikings, Pagans and Moors to this day. In order to survive these military onslaughts, Medieval Europe developed the strict system of feudalism to keep its people in order and the Ventrue took to this new social hierarchy like no other clan could. The ordered system of Lords and Fifes, Vassals and Serfs served their purpose perfectly and the clan thrived in these years - consolidated their power over the territory of the Holy Roman Empire with relish. It is as though this entire social hierarchy was tailor made for them, everything in its rightful, blood-given place. This new era, meanwhile, with its emerging Middle Class and young ideas has taken the Ventrue unhappily by surprise. It is a queer thing alongside the resurgence of neoclassical ideas, the uptake of which among the mortals can be achingly positive for some Ventrue and jarringly painful to others.
the Renaissance
Fall of Feudalism/New Times and New Measures
As is the case for many of the clans who found a strange form of stability during the Dark Ages, the Ventrue have entered the Renaissance with more trepidation than wonder. Ever since the shadow of the Dark Ages descended across Europe, the Ventrue have been striving to claw back the power that they lost with the fall of Rome. Fortunately, there was one miraculous thing about the Dark Ages. The glory of the feudal system offered the clan a whole new system to dig their claws into, with a strict hierarchical structure that was easy to exploit - the Kings wasted no time at this endeavour. They rapidly succeeded in entrenching their power within the feudal system with alarming style and efficiency. However, now that the menaces of famine, plague and war have begun to recede from European society, the harsh inequitable hierarchy of lords, vassals and serfs is beginning to break down. Some dare to whisper that the Ventrue will be left behind - unless they grab a hold of something new, and fast.
Only a generation past, the omnipotent Ventrue rulers of large and profitable fiefs would never have believed that their sovereignty could be challenged by anyone. Everything changed when the common people were no longer harried by the constant fear of hunger, disease and war. As the Crises of the Late Middle Ages began to settle, the common people gathered their collective rage against their rich lords and abusive vassals that had exploited - for generations - peasant labour and indentured servitude. Peasant revolts broke out throughout Europe over from the late 1300’s up to this very night, in the Renaissance. Unsurprisingly, this is deeply unsettling for the lordly and ordered Clan of Kings. They like their lessers in their place and do not wish to consider the risk of their own childer getting ideas of rebellion and revolt to pollute their malleable young minds. Certainly, the Clan of Kings do not like even organised riots.
Although the rise of the Renaissance brings with it the disturbing concepts of freedom of thought and - gasp - social mobility (where individuals may cruelly now change class, a little, with the horrific introduction of the disturbing Middle Class), not every newfangled idea born in this enlightened new era is a threat to the traditional Ventrue. Trade routes with expanding ranges and increasingly fast transit times have established an efficient infrastructure that Elder Ventrue last recall from the days of their impeccable Roman roadways. Communication and travel between domains grows less arduous by the decade - enabling the world of lively and complex international politics to open up once again. Old fashioned elders may not be particularly fond of the social mobility that the modern systems of governance offer the middle class but even the dustiest old Patrician can put this horror out of mind for the opportunity to engage in their elaborate games of political chess once again.
Although many Ventrue are wary of the theory of humanism and how it may affect the stability of the social status quo, they cannot help but be moved as they experience the rebirth of classical philosophy and education. Even those Ventrue who are not old enough to remember the Roman Empire or its fall have been raised with the stories, practices and lessons of that culture that formed the crux of their clan’s very identity. There are those Ventrue who resent the masses having access to the works and doctrines of their culture - especially when they perceive that they are being misinterpreted - but the majority of proud Patricians cannot help but be inspired as they witness the rejuvenation of ideologies they had thought to be long past resurrection.
Ventrue Factions
The Eastern Lords: Ventrue living further east - these Kings are doing their battles with the Tzimisce in Eastern Europe and they are allied with the Tremere. Other Ventrue do not approve of supporting dirty blooded, Ssurping upstarts against an old clan (because ultimately, the Tzimisce are old, and the Tremere are decidedly not). The Ventrue who dislike what the Eastern Lords are doing, dislike it because they see the Tzimisce as a dark omen of what their own clan could become if they became too obsessed with power and territory and totally lose their humanity and morals. In their private moments they see a lot of themselves in the Tzimisce, who are now burning into ash. Who would support the Ventrue if their world began to burn?
The Tzimisce are everything of the dark side of what the Ventrue see themselves become if they allow their sovereignty to corrupt them and mistreat their subjects or enjoy cruelty too much. Something some Ventrue have already gotten all too familiar with during the Dark Ages.
Merchant Princes: Ventrue of Italy who thrive in the developing world of trade. Some are also patrons but more for the influence than a love of art. These Ventrue specialise in diplomacy and also ear-marking exciting new human noble lines to ghoul. Opinion is split re. The rising of new noble houses esp. In Italy (e.g. the Medici) because they are not PROPER royalty but they will be the nobility of the future so they have to invest.
The Normans: Lost most of their power in France to the Grand Court - now mainly support Mithras in England
The Grand Court: French Parisian Ventrue stuck between the French Toreador/Court of Love and the Mithraic Ventrue and Normans. They are very good mediators as a result!
Overall the Ventrue can sense times are changing as they are very sensitive to the rise and fall of civilisations and cultures due to being burned in the past. They want to consolidate power outside of the collapsing feudal system and make sure they are not left behind and do not want to lose the power they have rebuilt in the Dark Ages.
Clan Opinions On…
The Embrace
Ventrue make grand shows of their Embraces. This doesn't necessarily mean the act itself involves undue pomp and circumstance but, rather, that much ceremony goes into the observation of the event. Many Ventrue practice an almost Classical instruction period by which their fledglings learn of Cainite culture. They recite lineages, observe the Embrace dates of exalted ancestors and honour ancient customs of hospitality that surely inconvenience the host more than they aid the guest. Ventrue unlife constitutes a world of duality: sacrifice with benefits, gain at great cost, noblesse oblige in a den of opulence.
And they wouldn't have it any other way.
The Auction
The High and the Low
The Ventrue see themselves as the movers and shakers of the vampiric political machine. Where they lead, so the rest must follow. When they voice an opinion, the rest must listen with rapt attention. As leaders, the Ventrue are therefore accustomed to being invited to all sorts of elite and exclusive events - both in vampiric and mortal spheres of influence. They are also accustomed, however, to receiving their invitations before the common masses and they also expect to have first pick of accommodation and advanced notice of any information, items of discussion or amenities up for the taking.
When the Ventrue learned that Claudius had not dispatched his invitation to the Clan of Kings with any particular haste or priority over his other guests, they were insulted. When they came to realise that they would be attending such an eminent event alongside the very lowest of the low clans, they were absolutely incensed. Still, the Ventrue have enough pride to rise above these challenges and besides - the only thing worse than sharing space with scum would be to retreat due to their mere presence.
"They expect us to sit at the table alongside Charlatans, Serpents and Assassins? At least the Lepers and Beasts know their place! Look at these vagabonds, taking places beside the High as bold as day. They must be as mad as the Lunatics if they think they can keep pace with the likes of us!"
- Jadviga Almanov, Ventrue Elder
The Gold Standard
For the Ventrue, the only saving grace of the auction is the very fact that it is indeed an auction where the goods in question will be sold to the highest bidder - and when the currency in question is based on boons, the Ventrue have no doubt about who that highest bidder will be. Many Ventrue argue that it was their clan who first conceived the vampiric concept of the boon registry, though any who challenge this claim are more likely to be schooled in their own inferior lineage than to be given any substantial evidence to support this claim.
The Ventrue consider themselves as unrivalled masters in the art of the accumulation of boons - they keep careful records of boons owed to and by the clan and they are careful to educate their childer in the practice of saving up boons from individuals with potential. As a boon debtor ages and gains influence in vampiric circles, the boons owed by them gain interest at a delicious rate. In this sense, the Ventrue trade in boons just as ruthlessly as the Giovanni - usuary and all. The Kings are unlikely to thank you for drawing attention to this similarity, however.
As for Claudius Giovanni’s new system of credits...the Ventrue disapprove of it strongly enough to refuse to even use the ridiculous eponymous name he has given them. Prestation is something like a strict, religious dogma to the Ventrue and Claudius is at best committing gross blasphemy with his hateful, modern exchange system. At worst, this system of accounting for boons and favours and converting them into a currency purely for trading with the Giovanni threatens to destabilise the entire system that the Ventrue consider to be the bedrock of the vampiric establishment.
Regere Sanguine Regele in Veritatem Est
~ To rule in blood is to rule in truth ~
Of all the clans, the Ventrue are perhaps the most selective and fastidious about which humans they choose to ghoul and eventually Embrace. Many Ventrue groom their potential childer for many years as prized retainers, educating them in the ways of vampire politics and preparing them for immortal life in the clan long before they join their ranks permanently. An individual’s process of selecting a Childe or ghoul can reveal much about their motivations and beliefs and as such, most Ventrue prefer to keep this process private until they debut their new Childe in vampiric society. Ventrue spend significant amounts of time and effort searching for an appropriate childe once they have decided it is time for them to reproduce - a labour of necessity if not love and an exercise that is almost always worth the work.
Claudius’ auction offers a smorgasbord of human talent and potential for the picking - the only drawback being that the bidding for said humans must be done in public in front of powerful rivals and foes. The haughty and proud Ventrue find the idea of their investments being made common knowledge distasteful in the least - but not distasteful enough to avoid bidding entirely.
Aside from offering a varied and numerous selection of potential childer, some Ventrue may see the auction as an opportunity to establish a particularly hardy and delicious new Herd. If any extraordinary human up for sale at the auction happens to fall under the category of any individual Ventrue’s feeding restriction, that unhappy individual is certain to expect a lucrative bidding war for their life. If these humans are as powerful as Claudius has touted them to be, one can only assume that they would make excellent breeding stock.
The Ventrue know power when they see it, as well as the best moment to grasp it. Whilst many might have relied on the council of more spiritual Cainites or those with supernatural foresight, the older members of the clan would have regarded the day of the Black Dawn with cautious superstition. Only a fool would ignore a clear and present omen. Perhaps it was infuriating to learn that Claudius Giovanni had taken initiative to gather such a powerful resource in these blessed kine, knowing that he can now use it to manipulate the other clans. It should be the Ventrue deciding how to best use these tools, and getting the pick of who to embrace. If nothing else, the Ventrue will be damned if the low clans use this event to their advantage to experience a surge in power. A clan with vast resources and influence, surely the Ventrue will come away from the auction with only the cream of the crop - as is their right.