Read First
1. Brief
2. Practical
3. Kit and Costume
4. For Newbies
Making A Human
Making A Vampire
Human Powers List
Canon Vampire List
Additional Vampires
5. Vampire the Masquerade
6. The Renaissance
7. Clans in the Renaissance
8. The Auction
9. Claudius Exchange
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Read First
1. Brief
2. Practical
3. Kit and Costume
4. For Newbies
Making A Human
Making A Vampire
Human Powers List
Canon Vampire List
Additional Vampires
5. Vampire the Masquerade
6. The Renaissance
7. Clans in the Renaissance
8. The Auction
9. Claudius Exchange
Standard Rooms
Feature Rooms
Quick Links
Canon Changes
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Giovanni: The Last Supper
Form :)
Player Name
First Name
Last Name
Facebook Name
If Different
First Name
Last Name
Buddies :)
Would you like a mentor or like to be mentored
I will buddy/mentor someone :)
I would love having a buddy/mentor :)
Both! Experienced VTM larper, but also shy
In cases where there are more mentors/buddies than people requiring them, the newbies and shy folk will gain multiples buddies :) To help have multiple people they can go to if they feel lost and overwhelmed.
Contact details we can *supply to your buddy*
Facebook and/or Discord handle
If you have one they may contact you on
Please make sure for picking the mentor role you are relatiely sociable and are happy to approached by your buddy on night one, and will go out your way to check in on them and include them in your roleplay.
Of these, do any apply?
I am an experienced VTM larper
New or newer to VTM larp, experienced with the Tabletop
I am a larper, totally new to VTM though
I can be shy, would love company and support for night one
I only want someone to throw VTM specific questions to
What themes appeal to you?
Politics, shadow games and court intrigue
Personal plot and small scale, intense stories
I want to be manhandled :)
I want to manhandle other(s) :)
I like dark dark dark content, torture and violence, psychological horror
I am unsure/new and feeling overwhelmed, please sir, someone friend shaped!
Slice of life is good, and lighter hearted stuff too
I don't need very intense horror to be completely satisfied
Anything Else
Anything we forgot to add or if you want to clarify anything in tbis form
Thank you!