The Inquisitor
It is your honour bound duty to expose that which is false, and seek the truth in the words of monsters. Whether granted by divine means or not, humans and vampires within six feet (roughly an arm span) of you must not lie. They can omit the truth or avoid questions entirely, but they cannot fabricate. Humans are slightly more vulnerable to this power than vampires.
Long Description: Lies have a quality to them that feel like a badly plucked cord or an off-key tune, it gets into your teeth and needles the space around you with discord. Once per hour, you can force an individual to divulge one piece of information they would usually have kept hidden. It can be as minor as a distaste for the refreshments provided, but it must be given. This takes intense concentration, and direct eye contact with the individual you are trying to force to give up their truth for at least five seconds.
It is likely you have found religion, or religion and its institutions have found you.Yours is perhaps one of the few powers where you might have been afforded a community, and a purpose - however dark. Especially in Europe, the power of Christ is at work in the most extreme and undeniable way. Your power could well be a devotional landmark.
And besides, any truth when exposed with the right timing or context can be made to look however you like it. Pull the right dots together and… the truth will out. People who lie deserve nothing less. Their truths, the ones they don’t even care about, will become the beautiful irony that damn them.
Mechanics: Make eye contact with the person you are talking to and say "It is difficult to find honesty in the world." This is your specific code to let other players know that for the next couple minutes, they can let slip certain truths or offhand remarks and opinions they ordinarily would keep hidden as their character. They can roleplay the fallout however they wish, or rationalise it all away and deny to themselves that they would ever state as much to a human. It is as effective on your fellow captive humans.