Player Name
First Name
Last Name
Character Name
Action One
Put an action or put "Surprise Me!" in both
Action Two
Put an action or put "Surprise Me!" in both
Any comments? Things you think you'd especially love to do, or things we should definitely avoid having your character do? Leave blank if you want us to have total creative freedom. Useful to know if your character is pro the burning side or not. If you hate it, or if you're just caught up in this. We can make anything work, go with what you like off-game.
If you have real emotional attachment to one thing or another, for heaven's sake let us know. In capitals if you must, it will drive the point home. Just put a heart somewhere if you're shouting. lol
Any comments? Things you think you'd especially love to do, or things we should definitely avoid having your character do? Leave blank if you want us to have total creative freedom.
Any comments? Things you think you'd especially love to do, or things we should definitely avoid having your character do? Leave blank if you want us to have total creative freedom.
Any comments? Things you think you'd especially love to do, or things we should definitely avoid having your character do? Leave blank if you want us to have total creative freedom.
If you were a human, who embraced you at the game and what were the circumstances surrounding it?
Leave blank if you were not a human
Will you be keeping the same sire, or have you calibrated a swap to someone else? Or are you without a sire in play now and would like to change to have a different one "all along"? (You can equally put you'd like to keep the same sire for clan/blood but get adopted by someone else, we can help hunt)
Leave blank if you were not a human
For Everyone: Did you embrace someone(s) at the auction? If so, 1. Who? 2. What were the circumstances? and 3. Will you be keeping this, or are they no longer in play? What's your situation currently for calibration? Would you LIKE a new childe, who you embraced "all along" honest? Or would you perhaps like to gain patronage/guardianship of someone else's auction childe now?
For Everyone: Important or meaningful stuff that happened to you at the game
Anything (relevant to the game) you're worried about or would like help with?
Topics that we should avoid writing; soft and hard triggers, or variations of, please include at this point
Just put "None" or "N/A" if not
Any player characters you really want to AVOID in this downtime?
How Anarch are you in this Downtime?
I am a fucking anarch.
I sympathise with it, but don't follow with violent action
I am basically one, but I also kill Anarchs too SO....
I don't really care one way or the other about the Anarchs
I am as far from an Anarch as Caine is from Jesus.
Leave blank if the above explains it for you
Themes to include/exclude from your brief. If you're in the "eh, I don't mind" category, just don't select it :)
It doesn't matter who your character is; select the things you as the player would enjoy in this Downtime. We will make it work organically.
I really need Lilith back in my life
I really want Lilith no where near me
Sex. I want it. Make it graphic.
No graphical sex
I'd love some romance or even queerplatonic loveliness
No romance
I am pro-establishment
I a full-blown anarch
I am sympathetic to the anarch cause
I hate the young. They have ruined my life.
I hate the Church. They have ruined my life.
The Church are just swell. This is all a great misunderstanding
I am here to party and ignore the flames outside the window
I love politics
I hate politics
Comments on this?
Any Final Point?