The Blank
You nullify the powers of those who were born on the day of the Black Sun, rendering them ineffective. When taken directly from your veins your blood dampens any such ability of your fellow humans, so it can be forcibly fed to a human to temporarily mute their magic. Otherwise, on rare occasions you can send out a wave of anti-power that affects everyone in a six-foot radius, temporarily stripping special humans of their power as well as making supernatural creatures such as vampires lethargic, and their Beasts slow to rouse.
Long Description: The Giovanni use you as a control for their experiments on the other humans; your blood can silence theirs. You might not be very well liked among your peers even if you are a victim to all of this. You might have only come into this power recently, perhaps you were entirely ignorant of it before Claudius Giovanni found you. Or, if you would like to have known about it first, there is another - more insidious - aspect of your power that the Giovanni are ignorant of. This part of your power is what you might well call your personal "curse", since if it manifested earlier in your life it would surely destroy what little love you might have had for the power.
It might have gone as thus:
Silence in yourself. You didn’t want anything, only to not have to think. You could make your mind all but blank. You could roll up the incline right to the edge of yourself from which your identity, your self, your consciousness, your body, you, could tear off into the void, atomised.
But sooner or later you have to come back.
Light coalesced. You ungummed your mouth and opened your wet eyes, tears sliding under your jaw, tears blurring the world and for a moment you didn't need to look because you couldn't see anything.
You form her name but nothing comes out - can't speak around the hard lump in your throat.
She's sat on her makeshift bed, damp, a lock of hair stuck to the sweat of her upper lip. In the lantern light the sheen on her smooth brow looks almost iridescent. Her pupils have been made small by the lantern's bright intrusion, the irises tiny rings of honey-coloured gold.
At the corner of her lip, blood gathered; a light pink spittle that formed a stretched pendulum. Still her eyes stayed open, still the awful rigidity. The spit-pendulum snapped, and another began to form.
Your figure cast a strange, long shadow against the wall.
You are not only a nullifier or neutraliser of your fellow captives; you also possess a currently uncontrolled ability to flay minds, stripping memories, laughter, hopes, dreams and entire personalities, rendering the people you once loved in your life to empty husks.
(You as this human's roleplayer decide how much the character knew or did not know; you might like to roleplay all of this coming as a terrible shock to the character, leaving them unprepared for this upheaval in life when vampires suddenly became real, as well as magic and curses.)
The Giovanni are currently unaware of this part of your power, and that it can manifest in this way. You seem entirely resistant to Dominate, the vampiric power that can force its way into a mind and make or view supernatural changes. How your captors haven't realised you are resistant to their mental prowess is anyone's guess; you've a thought that your mind somehow tricks vampires into seeing what they expect to see, and little more. You haven't been able to test it yourself, but from the fact your captors know nothing about your other "curse", you have to presume it's cloaked from them. They only know that you reduce or temporarily eliminate the other human powers. (Note, you share this with “The Unknown” and might find negotiating roleplay with the character of that power worthwhile.)
As for your mind flaying, if you become aware of the Ventrue Clan you would be right in thinking that such an elder more skilled in Dominate than Claudius could very well help you control - and even enhance - this hidden power. At this point it just represents an uncontrolled flare of Dominate, though a startlingly strong one.
Mechanics: The ability to launch an area of effect silencer on every human's ability in a six step radius is an "extreme" use of your power, and as with all such extreme uses of a human power it can only be used once on night one, and twice on any night thereafter. To activate it say "Off Game - Human Power, nullifying all human power" and then roleplay throwing your arms wide. Every human character within six steps of you has no access to their power for the next hour.
Additionally, your anti-magic power can be used more regularly by feeding your blood to another human - or when a vampire forcibly holds your broken wrist over another human's mouth, for example. This might be especially useful when trying to control The Fury or other such extreme users of human power.
Your mind flaying will have less impact during the game itself because it only affects those to that extremity who have no mental resistance or power of their own, that is: normal humans. However, thematically you seem to have an innate talent for what would become Dominate, if you were Embraced into a Clan with that vampiric hallmark it might suit you.
What it can do for roleplay purposes: if you have your mind joined to a vampire who possesses Dominate (joined via Telepathy, do note - so grab another vampire with at least Strong Auspex) and who has recently shared blood with you (you drink theirs, and they drink yours) you are able to enhance their mind, so that all their Dominate power counts for one level higher, and they are far likelier to succeed in unearthing forgotten memories in a target.
In this way the Dominate user may add another “Really” onto their Discipline (see Mechanics page). They are still limited by the phase of the game, so during the roleplay of night one they cannot go above weak levels of the Dominate power even with your blood. On night three however, an Exceptional user of Dominate can be bolstered one level higher than the game maximum through your mind and through your blood. You must both put a hand on your target to indicate this is an enhanced attack, though the vampire character is the one who states the Really, really, really, really.