The Alchemist
From poisonsmithing to potions and perfumes, you've had an uncanny knack for the craft of a mixologist. Whether formally educated or not, you have an intuitive knowledge for handling dangerous ingredients, and you know what goes where to create just what you need. Unbeknown to you at this stage, you have a supernatural gift - one that, when harnessed by the right person, will see you able to combine the potency of two samples of vitae (vampiric blood) and in doing so, create a third, improved sample, unifying the two and lowering the resultant generation for use in waking up ancient vampires from Torpor.
Long Description: From glittering alembics to gleaming glass flutes you've been gifted in the old craft since you were born, and have no need for years of study behind dusty tomes and rigid scrolls - though you may well have discovered alchemy in this way, or a convergent subject for your particular set of skills.
You've always had a grasp of what mixed well with another thing, be that for flavour in cooking or mashing up willow bark with mixed pastes for pain. You know how to tease out reactions under fire that might well kill another, and the elements sing to your senses within liquids. Something about the liquid form reveals the properties of a substance to you; you can sense something moving in the slow swirl of its movement, as you tilt a flask this way and that under candlelight. Flame seems to be the thing: you work by firelight at night, and never during the day.
Blood carries the blueprint, seemingly of the whole universe, if only you could tap it. Looking at fresh blood under candlelight, the drops held up on a thin glass dish, you sense something of the tone or echo of infinity. You stare at the glinting crimson and time expands surreally, bending itself and stretching until you blink awake and realise an hour or more has passed. You can’t explain it, but blood calls to you. Some people look into the core of flames; for you it’s been blood, always and ever, blood.
Unfortunately in this day and age even an alchemist, or a potion mixer - or too eccentric a physician - could be a witch, and burned. Some parts of the world are lethal for your kind, whatever your kind is, and it is very likely you have been subject to intense scrutiny, following jealousy borne of peers who could not compete with your impossible flair for the study. People want to sabotage you, and they will probably succeed. Best to move on, staying moving, staying low, if you wish to continue this dangerous art.
Mechanics: Take up to two preserved samples of necromantically or magically preserved vitae. Over five minutes of roleplay with the two samples and a clean, new vessel, you can create a supercharged union of the two, combining their potency as one. This third union cannot be used to embrace a new vampire, but it can be used to feed one, and wake a very low generation of vampire up from Torpor, especially damage-induced Torpor, where normally they would need very rich blood to rouse.